Saturday, September 27, 2008

A discovery and a confession

I am a childish, selfish person sometimes.

Well, a lot of the time, if I'm being honest.

On my weight loss/health blog, I talked about making lists for myself. Chore charts, goals, the whole shebang. (as I'm writing here, I'm also realizing that I have quite the post for there brewing, too... watch out, Blogger, Stuart's got duty, and Amber's on a writing binge!) Excellent intentions, realistic goals, yet this morning I woke to a filthy kitchen, and I'm not dressed and it's 1:00 pm.

The not being dressed thing is fine. It's Saturday. The dirty kitchen? Ew. Starts the whole day off on the wrong foot. Want to know WHY my kitchen was dirty? My husband was home yesterday. I wish that fact implied that I was too busy in the throes of passion to even consider loading the dishwasher and wiping the cabinets.

The interesting fact is that it is 1:00 pm and the kitchen is clean, laundry is going, Logan's had a bath. Oh, and my darling husband is at work. What's the difference?

Well, while my knight in shining armor sat in the man cave yesterday, perusing Craigslist, wishing that he could afford a motorcycle or 1978 Camaro to fix up, I sat on my butt. I knew chores needed to be done, but I'll be damned if I'm going to get up and do something while HE sits and relaxes.

Real grown up, right?

So today, I get to make up for it. Ugh. Sometimes I really am amazed at my childishness.


Katie said...

That, my friend, is reason #1 why my house is 10,000,000 times cleaner when Nathan is underway.

I assume that I have help, so I do less. But then I realize that even though he's here, it doesn't mean he's going to help, though he does help *make* dishes.

Just a Girl in a Port said...

Spell it with me. N-O-R-M-A-L

Don't feel childish. It's a way to make ourselves feel vindicated in a (childish) way. LOL

Mary H. said...

Oh my is so nice to know that it's not just me. As I sit here now goofing around on-line (because the hubs is goofing around on-line) it's dinner time and nothing is made and those darn dishes from breakfast still haven't cleaned themselves.